Why Yoga and Chronic Symptoms are a Natural Fit
June is the month of Summer Solstice and international celebrations of YOGA.. and rightly so! Yoga has contributed SO much to the planet, offering us a path to healing and growth in all ways.. IF we want it.
But what is yoga? Is it for everyone? Can yoga help your chronic pain or health problems?
Firstly Yoga is more than exercise, stretching and looking good; it is a complete lifestyle system for self-awareness and self-care of body, mind and soul .. in balance.
Done with the right guidance and with a symptom informed approach; Yoga positively influences your brain, nervous system and body physiology, regulating your symptoms or the suffering you experience due to them.
There is much more to Yoga than meets the eye.
Most of what happens in yoga practise is invisible from the outside, because it works deep inside.
Movement, Breath, Mantra, Mindful Presence and Attention
These are the key ingredients for transformation- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. A Mindful Yoga practise can transform a body space that feels hostile and vulnerable into one that feels safe and strong It can also shift the way you think, perceive and talk to yourself.
I often feel frustrated and sad when people with chronic pain and illness tell me they tried yoga and had a bad experience, simply because the teacher didn't understand the nature of their symptoms, their needs or have the skillset to guide them into a safe positive experience
This is where my accessible carefully guided classes or tailored individual sessions may be just what you need.
In a therapeutic yoga session we work gently respecting your symptoms without being dominated by them. The emphasis is on coming into connection and awareness of yourself through practices adapted to your abilities. As you do this, long-held physical and mental patterns fall away and you relax into a truer sense of who you are.
Yoga is the way in,
the way through ourselves
and the way to ourselves
It can leave you Calmer, Clearer, Kinder and stronger.
With Yoga we can truly hold the keys to our own wellbeing.
If you'd like to experience a powerful tool to influence how you feel and how you respond to your symptoms try the accessible yoga practise below. Note: Please only do as much as mild symptoms allow you to. You practise with full responsibility for your own wellbeing.
“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured, and endure what cannot be cured.”
— BKS Iyengar