Winter the season to renew

A frozen water droplet resting on a branch

Reframing rest when you have chronic symptoms (or want to prevent them)

(Photo from Unsplash)

As the days get shorter and colder here in the northern hemisphere it's a natural time for rest and reflection.

Nature always signals to us what we should be doing, if we pay attention and follow her lead.

She rests and renews, preparing for spring.

End of year and perhaps early into the next is a natural time to draw in. It's a natural time to still ourselves, ground down and drop in.

The society we live in impels us to shine and sparkle continually without rest or pause. It isn't healthy or sustainable.

We need to turn in and tend to our darkness before we can shine out our light.

Shorter, darker days facilitate just that. They affect our energy, vitality, mood and motivation. Difficult emotions may rise to the surface. We may also find our chronic symptoms worsening. 

Maybe we'd rather curl up with a hot mug of tea and a book than be out with friends.

Maybe we wish we could clock off at 3pm and go home.

Maybe we naturally crave warm, cooked, starchy foods and root veg, rather than salads.

I'm not suggesting we eat potatoes all day, stay in bed, or never go out!

We still need movement, we still need daylight exposure, we still need social connection, but perhaps we can find restful ways to do these things and factor in more time for stillness, reflection, contemplation and relaxing activities.

So instead of pushing on, can you listen to the call, can you give yourself permission to rest by doing some of the things below? 

You can also download my free meditation and affirmations track to support you here

Recipe for Rest

Go to sleep earlier

Sleep longer or have a few more lie-ins

Light scented candles and play soothing music

Curl up with a book or audio book

Breathe and meditate

Gently stretch and move to music

Invite a few friends home for a pot-luck instead of going to a large gathering

Give yourself a foot or neck massage

Get out to be in nature and daylight for 15mins a day

Disengage from consumer madness and social media

Reconnect with yourself

Take time to feel

Journal and reflect

Make some pot-pourri or home-made Christmas decorations

Give yourself permission to be festive and enjoy the sparkle to the point that it feels good FOR YOU (no need to humour others)

Have some silent hours each day

Craft a mini-day retreat for yourself doing all of the above :)

Rest deeply and your sparkle will arise naturally without force.

"Take rest. A field that has rested gives bountiful crop" ~Ovid


If you know deep down that mind-body practices like yoga and mindfulness have much to offer you but you just don't know how to tap in to the benefits due to physical disability or fear of making symptoms worse, then book a free clarity call to learn more about my individual packages.


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