One month in... has life taken over?
Hopefully we all took the time to start this year with some clarity and aligned intention. We got in touch with what was important and what we could do to make that more prominent in our lives. However the machine of life and circumstances or perhaps of our own minds routinely takes over.
As soon as our conscious focus on our goals and intentions drifts, the habitual patterns creep back, especially when we are under pressure and stress. So don't feel disheartened. It's no surprise.
What you need is to consciously choose to slow down. To choose to carve out some space to top up and reconnect with yourself and your intentions. This applies if you're an extrovert too by the way!
My Meditation Circles and Healing movement sessions are perfect for that. They help you to redirect your energy back to yourself; to soothe and to self-regulate.
Love means giving, but we also need to include ourselves in that circle of love... in our circle of compassion. So if your energy has been flowing outwards in many directions and you are finding yourself close to the bottom of the reserve tank, then it's time to fill up.
It’s a simple message this month:
Include yourself in your circle of love
Direct a little of your warmth and care back to yourself
Make a plan to do something that replenishes your reserves rather than taking more energy from you.
Do something that helps you to ground down and feel calm and clear.