Taking the reigns on how you feel
Shift how you feel from the inside out when you live with a chronic illness or want to prevent one
When you feel good the world looks different.
Criticism bounces off you, road rage doesn’t get you, people open the door for you, opportunities seem to fly in your direction.
What do you lean on to feel good?
A fun social event, a favourite TV show, cake (!), the weather or seasons?
It’s easy and natural to look to things outside of ourselves to make us feel better on the inside, but it also renders us somewhat powerless.
Wouldn’t it be empowering if we could do that for ourselves, if we could feel good from the inside out rather than the outside in?
To know that you have the power to influence how you feel regardless of what the rest of the world is doing is freeing and creates some personal peace.
When we intentionally allow or dedicate time to gauging our inner weather, witnessing or tending to what we find there.
When we dedicate time to accessing our enduring ever-present self
Then we develop a more objective and kind lens on our experiences.
We process things differently
Events are less emotionally charged and significant
We get to choose which thoughts we want to tune in to and believe or not
Our feeling state shifts and we naturally respond in healthier more useful ways.
In Summary:
We want to feel good from the inside out.
To do so we need to connect to and tend to ourselves consistently.
This can shift how we feel and therefore our perspective on life and the situations we face.
We can show up, respond and operate in healthier ways.