New Year ... Tired You?
Starting slow and authentic when you have a chronic Illness or want to prevent one
(Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on Unsplash)
It's a New Year :)
Cause for hope or apprehension?
Do you feel fighting fit or do you feel tired, cynical, overwhelmed, or clouded?
It's natural to have mixed feelings. We can so easily feel like powerless victims of life (disempowering), or as though everything lies in our hands (daunting).
Neither is helpful, a healthy approach lies somewhere in-between the two.
The truth is that our reality and experience is a dynamic collaboration between us and universal or divine laws; it is a CO-CREATIVE AFFAIR! Recognising this brings some hope and possibility as we realise that we play our part but it doesn't all depend upon us.
This year more than ever I've felt the need to start the year connected to my inner voice, guided by inner wisdom.
There are so many worthwhile things to focus on, so many ways to shift or 'improve', countless forces that push upon us, but what feels aligned for YOU?
Where do YOU feel called to focus and direct YOUR energy?
Is there anything you want to release to make room for what truly matters?
How would you most like to FEEL in 2023, and where could you start - small, slow and steady to move towards that?
When we set intentions from a connected, embodied place they are much more likely to manifest. Living with Chronic Physical or Mental illness can be limiting, so much can feel out of our control but is there something, however small that's within your power to influence?
Meaningful change doesn’t always occur by adding more .. when we are already overloaded. It can come by slowing down and doing less so we can do more of what really counts. Things that really move the needle on our life
Are there one or two things that you know would ripple out into everything else?
Can you clear the stage for them and see what unfolds?