A pathway to balanced living

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Welcome to Soft Strength
your alternative solution to chronic pain, fatigue and stress.

Ranga Rajvi Shah wearing a purple top facing the camera and smiling

Hi, I’m Ranga Rajvi Shah

Supporting you to greater awareness, ease and quality of life

As an experienced NHS pain specialist physiotherapist, mindful yogi and somatic coach in training, I’m passionate about self-care for wellbeing and chronic illness prevention.

I offer people living hectic lives and developing pain, fatigue or stress-related symptoms, a pathway to ease, freedom and balanced living.

I know how you’re feeling.

The tasks are never done.

You’re starting to drop the balls you’re juggling.

You’re so busy playing catch-up and being there for others that you’re losing yourself in the process.

And now you’re experiencing irreversible chronic symptoms, like pain and fatigue. It feels scary.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. THERE IS HOPE.

Click this video to find out how you could feel if you work with me.

What is Soft Strength?

It’s the balance between effort and ease, doing and being, control and surrender, between softness and strength.

Shift your ways of being, doing and relating towards balance and self-care.

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“Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength.” - Ralph Sockman

My offerings
to you

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coaching, mindfulness, movement
& meditation


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courses, resources &
digital products


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tailored wellbeing


What my clients say…

Take small positive choices and life will shift course.

Ranga Rajvi Shah, yoga teacher with her arms wrapped around and her hands on her shoulders

For 15 years I’ve supported people with chronic pain, fatigue and stress at different stages on their journey. I’ve witnessed their struggles but also the signs they ignored along the way that could have changed things.

I’m determined not to let that be the case for you.

I combine the best of my skills to assist your journey of self-care and symptom recovery so that you can create a more fulfilling life.

Ready to let go of the daily struggle?

Ranga Rajvi Shah seated, stretching to the side

Wake up energised and at ease even if you live with chronic pain and fatigue, with this powerful meditation and affirmation track.

“Soft Strength Yoga and Meditation with Ranga attunes mind, body and soul.”


New to Soft Strength?

balanced living